Explore and filter commands by category.
Fetch tiktok user information.
Search for TikTok users.
Repost a trending tiktok video.
Repost a TikTok video.
Get information about an Instagram user.
Fetch the latest Instagram story for a user.
Repost a trending Instagram Reel.
Repost an Instagram Reel.
See details about a GitHub repository.
Get information about a GitHub user.
Fetch minecraft user information.
Get information about a Minecraft server.
Get information about the database.
Repost a YouTube Short.
Get information about a YouTube channel.
Get information about a Roblox user.
Get information about a snapchat user.
Get information about a inject.bio user.
Get information about a uzi.bio user.
Get information about an ammo.lol user.
Get information about a Pinterest user.
Get information about a Pinterest pin.
Get information about a x.com user.
Get information about a x.com post.
Get information about a SoundCloud user.
Get information about a SoundCloud track.
Search google lens for a given image.
Search for images.
Search Brave's AI.
Ask OpenAI's GPT 4o mini's a question.
Set the system prompt for your custom AI.
Chat with your custom AI.
View information about the bot.
View all the bot's commands.
Search for results on the internet.
View the avatar of a user.
View the banner of a user.
View the bot's status.
Displays all PM2 services running and their stats.
Authorize the bot as an user-app or invite it to your server.
View a discord user's profile.
View a discord user's avatar history.
View information about a Discord guild.
Consult 8ball to receive an answer.
Posts a random capybara.
Generate an image with the text provided.
Rates what you desire.
Returns a random percent for how gay is a discord user.
Roll the slot machine.
Fetch a random quote.
Describe an image with AI.
Classify an image.
Get the lyrics of a song.
Screenshot a website.
List all your Last.fm friends.
Add a Last.fm username or a Discord mention to your friends list.
Remove a friend from your friends list.
Check who knows a track or the user's most recent track if none is provided.
Check who knows an artist or the user's most recent artist if none is provided.
Login to Last.fm
Create a chart of top lastfm album covers.
Get the currently playing track on Last.fm.
Love or unlove a track on Last.fm.
Get all loved tracks for a Last.fm user.
Get the top artists for a Last.fm user.
Get the top albums for a Last.fm user.
Get the top tracks for a Last.fm user.
Get information about an artist from LastFM.
Get information about an album from LastFM.
Get an user's obsessions from Last.fm.
Fetch the Last.fm profile for yourself or a mentioned user.
Fetch recent tracks for yourself or a mentioned user.
Search Urban Dictionary for a query.
Get a random Bible verse.
Extract text from an image.
Get information about a song from Spotify.
Convert text to speech using various voices.
View the perks of being a premium user.
Purchase premium perks.
Search for a profile picture.
Search for a banner.
Get the current price of Litecoin.
Get information about a Litecoin transaction.
Get information about a Litecoin address.
Get the current price of Ethereum.
Get information about an Ethereum transaction.
Get information about an Ethereum address.
Get the current price of Bitcoin.
Get information about a Bitcoin transaction.
Get information about a Bitcoin address.
Get a chart of Litecoin price for the last 30 days.
Get a chart of Ethereum price for the last 30 days.
Get a chart of Bitcoin price for the last 30 days.
Convert an audio file to a voice message.
Convert a YouTube video to MP3.
Convert an image to a GIF.
Convert a YouTube video to MP4.
Show the changelogs for the bot.
View the bot's users
View the bot's donators.
Translate text to the specified language using Google Translate.
Get a response from chatgpt.
Get information about a movie.
Search Wikipedia for a query.
Get a random fact.
Evaluate a mathematical expression.
Get information about an IP address.
Generate a QR code for a text.
Get the weather for a location.
Identify a song using Shazam.
Fuck someone's ass
Suck someone's cock
Cum with someone.
Masturbate, either as a woman or a man.
Lick someone's pussy.
Have some yuri fun with someone.
Have some yaoi fun with someone.
Hug someone.
Pat someone.
Tickle someone.
Punch someone.
Lick someone.
Kiss someone.
Hump someone.
Cuddle someone.
Bite someone.
Call someone baka!
Hold someone's hand.
Give someone a high five!
Kick someone!
Give someone a quick peck.
Poke someone.
Slap someone!
Shoot at someone!
Feed someone.
Shake hands with someone.
Compare top artists with another user
Compare top tracks with another user
Compare top albums with another user
Compare top genres with another user
Link your stats.fm profile
View a stats.fm user profile
View currently playing track
View recent streams
Search for a track and view its information
Search for an album and view its information
Search for an artist and view their information